Brittany Mahomes delights fans with photos from girls weekend

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Brittany Mahomes is getting away for the weekend, after uploading some photos from her weekend with the girls on social media.  The wife of Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes is never shy when it comes to letting her fans know what she is up to.  From trips to Lake Tahoe and charity events in Hawaii, Brittany is never afraid to share what she’s up to.

brittany girls weekend

On Friday, she uploaded several pictures of her and her friends as they embark on a girls weekend.  “Girls weekend,” she wrote on her Instagram Stories. “Let the girls weekend commence.”

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Along with several selfies with her friends, Brittany also shared a snap of the drinks they ordered, as well as a mechanical bull.

Brittany and fame

Although Brittany seems to have embraced her fame, she once told ‘CBS Morning’ that it took her some time to get used to Patrick’s star role in the NFL.  “”I was not prepared for this. And at such a young age. We were in love, and I loved him with all of my heart,” she said.  “But, you know, I didn’t expect it to skyrocket this soon, and us kind of just being thrown into the fire like this.”

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