A new revelation about Prince Harry’s sad question after Princess Diana’s funeral


Once more, Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, is at the center of a moving story about his mother, Princess Diana. Since her death 27 years ago, everyone is remembering her. A new book has revealed a heartbreaking scene that shows how much Harry grieved as a child. Craig Brown’s new book, “A Voyage Around the Queen,” says that Prince Harry asked a terrible question right after Princess Diana’s funeral in 1997.

“Are You Sure Mummy’s Really Dead?”

The book came out just a few days before Diana’s death anniversary and tells a touching story that has never been told to the public before. At Westminster Abbey, Harry, then 12, asked a close family friend, “Are you sure Mummy’s really dead?” after the service. As a young boy deals with the sudden death of his mother, this question shows how confused and shocked he is.

Crowds of more than 100 people sang “God Save the Queen” as a final goodbye at the end of the funeral service, as Craig Brown writes. After the service, young Harry’s question broke through the seriousness and showed the private pain that lay beneath the public show. This new information gives us a deeper view of Harry’s childhood and how Diana’s death changed him so deeply.

Coming up: Harry’s event in New York to honor Princess Diana

As people around the world think about Princess Diana’s life and impact, Prince Harry continues to remember his mother in his own unique way. He will hold an event in New York City in September to honor the Diana Award, a group that gives awards to young people who are doing good things in their neighborhoods. The CEO of the Diana Award, Dr. Tessy Ojo, said on X (formerly Twitter) that Harry will be in charge of this event. The event, which marks the 25th anniversary of the Diana Award, is meant to bring attention to the ideas that young people have about important problems facing the world today.

A happy Dr. Ojo said, “The event will be driven by young people and their insights on the biggest issues facing their generation today.” As he gets ready to speak in New York City, Harry’s dedication to carrying on his mother’s work through charity work and support for young people is still clear.

Prince William’s Absence and Talk About It

The event will be held in New York by Prince Harry, but his brother, Prince William, is not likely to be there. This has led to more rumors about how bad things are between the brothers. Sources have made it clear, though, that William’s departure is not a planned snub but rather because he has other plans.

The Express was told by a source that William would not be at the event because he had other plans. It was never planned for Wills to go to that event, but I’m sure people will think he didn’t because Harry is going. But it’s just not true.” Even though there are rumors that they are no longer together, this answer suggests that their different paths are more due to chance than disagreement.

Secret Meeting Away from the Public

It was reported earlier this month that Prince Harry and Prince William met in secret. This adds another layer to the complicated story of the royal brothers. The event was the funeral for Lord Robert Fellowes, their uncle. Both brothers were busy with their lives and royal tasks on different countries during the time before this meeting.

They both took part in the Diana Legacy Awards in March, but in different ways. Prince William went to the event in person at the Science Museum in London. Prince Harry joined from the US through a video link. Even though they lived far apart, both boys spoke very highly of their mother at the event.

Harry said he was sorry he couldn’t be there in person: “I’m sorry I can’t be there, I wish I could be there with you guys.” It’s clear that you know how important you are to the future. He also used the chance to respect his mother’s memory by saying, “Thank you for inspiring so many others and protecting my mother’s memory at the same time.” Thanks a lot for that.”

Prince William also had nice things to say about his mother and emphasized how she taught him to help others and give back. He said, “She taught me that everyone has the potential to give something back; that everyone in need deserves a supporting hand in life.” William talked about how the Diana Award has helped young people all over the world for 25 years and will continue to do so.

Carrying on Diana’s Work

The touching times that Prince Harry and Prince William shared show how Princess Diana’s life and impact will live on. As Harry gets ready to remember his mother in New York, the world is reminded of how much both boys lost and how they both want to carry on Diana’s charitable work. Diana’s spirit continues to inspire her boys and many other people around the world, whether they are in public or in private.


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